Friday, February 20, 2009


When you see an acronym like MCS, you think of some incurable affliction, do you not? A terrible, drawn out suffering?
I'll say the first part is correct. Multiple Crush Syndrome is a serious condition, mostly resulting in an annoying amount of daydreaming, confusion, & jealousy from thy beloved. People affected by this syndrome are usually too wrapped up in checking people out & gushing over one person only to have another stroll into the room, that they lose track of all trains of thought & comprehension. Often in a day, they will pass by 10 previous & current admired people, & as each passes by they will inevitably sway a bit from reality, caught up in the moment. Imagine having all of your ex-lovers in a school where the population is under 1000 kids & you're still not over any of them. It's like that.
It's a long road to getting over, & part of it can only be helped by age & maturity. When you're older, you might decide to try commitment (to find it not satisfactory), but in some cases, the crushers will find themselves becoming Polyamorous
. Sometimes, the creation of code-names will help ease the social stress of one potential lover (or current lover) walking into a room while you are gushing about them or another. Themes for code-names: Drinks, Cities, names that night seem to suit them, etc...

Life afterwards:
Great. Chances are 1/2 that you will turn out happy. If nothing else, you always have someone to think of on those coooold nights.

ps. I never seemed to have this problem when I was "straight"...

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