Sunday, November 22, 2009

Guest Profile: Arena

My name is... Arena, Thommie, Creature, That Weird Girl Who Sits Behind Me In Math... I'm known to respond to pretty much everything.

I indentify as... Bisexual.

I am attracted to... Humans. Especially the Ellen Page kind.

As for hobbies/interests... I love reading, acting, flirting, writing poetry and prose, singing my heart out, sending emails that no one will ever read, chairing my school's GSA, avidly reading PostSecrets and avidly sending in secrets of my own.

I usually hang around... Kabbyo's basement, bookstores, my school's art hall, Katherine's kitchen, the library, the library, Black Market, Alice's bedroom, Criminal Records, Mr Beans, and - although very rarely - my own home.

About my future... It's sort of undecided because my plans shift constantly. Currently, I have a desperate longing to go to U of T for Sexual Diversity Studies, After that, I plan on living in New York for a year because of an Allan Rickman pact I made when I was thirteen. I think after that I'd like to live in the village and hopefully get a job in queer rights activism.

10 adjectives to describe me... Awkward, Nostalgic, Nervous, inquisitive, Romantic, Capricious, Nosy, Humble, Zealous, and Childish.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

sometimes i am ugly

sometimes i have dreams where
my teeth are crooked & my
skin crumples like old paper & my eyes
sink into my skull &
i am as ugly as you
make me feel;

sometimes i shuffle around the house
in old sweaters & sagging pants
& i can't remember that i could ever have been
a blushing beauty queen
in pink & green taffeta ruffles;

sometimes i see you walking by
eyes apprising a prettier girl than i
with her thin arms & flat belly &
simple, nonconfrontational curvature
so boring but i can tell you
are loving it;

sometimes i sit by the window
away from the mirror
& pretend all the birds & swaying trees
are my face, my hips
my smile...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Things to be grateful for

(I make a gratitude list at the end of every day. Here are some of my favorite items from the lists made over the past two months.)

  • insane, stomach-scrambling, hopeful nervousness
  • allowing myself to experience pure untainted joy
  • pretty gay boys who awkwardly compliment me
  • excessively physical improv games
  • eye contact from across the room (or closer)
  • waking up slowly, gradually, & lazily with the help of music & sunlight
  • Dustin Hoffman
  • having a clean creative space
  • men who roll up the sleeves of their formal shirts
  • playing chess with my best friend in her hippietastic living room while blasting Fleet Foxes
  • elaborate kissing fantasies
  • meditating on the roof
  • singing in the shower
  • moving forward
  • Sex Matters by Osho, which is fascinating
  • optimism springing eternal
  • cashmere sweaters
  • waiting at bus stops in brisk, early autumn weather
  • the phrase "go steady with me"
  • feeling like a part of a whole
  • the realization that more enthusiasm is always better
  • people who don't know that their hair is sticking up
  • making funny people laugh
  • giving people silly nicknames (e.g. "Sexy Irish Boy")
  • noticing that cute people are watching me
  • prattling on about The Boy to anyone who'll listen
  • improv improv improv improv forever
  • independent pizzerias
  • silently sitting really really close
  • big toothy childish grins
  • intellectual debates on the subway
  • laughing so hard I start to cry & can't breathe
  • the all-consuming bliss of unity
  • people who say, "Tell me everything"
  • chocolate peanut butter ice cream
  • unabashed vulva worship
  • the ways in which we all inspire one another
  • moments where I realize that something I previously considered a hindrance is now a blessing
  • nervous laughter
  • walking home in the dark holding a teddy bear
  • when other people's happiness rubs off on me
  • smelling so awesome I make myself swoon a little
  • pizza
  • freaky universal serendipity
  • whimsical typography
  • channeling nervous energy into something great
  • if sex were as simple...

    if sex were as simple
    as seeking & finding & fucking
    & leaving & living & dying
    then life would be less
    & i wouldn't worry
    or wonder what might have been.

    but it's not that simple:
    it's yearning & wanting & crying
    & finding & losing & lying
    & hoping & begging & wishing
    & fucking & touching & kissing
    & losing & hurting & meeting
    & stabbing & yelling & cheating
    & all this expected, protected
    by standards so solid that no one remembers
    what love & sex mean
    when they're all by themselves
    with no hectic pressure -
    just primitive pleasure.

    so seeking & finding & fucking
    & leaving & living & dying
    is honest, is simple, is better
    than making these messes together.

    Sunday, November 8, 2009

    The Truth:

    When I consciously like someone, when I stick them with the label "crush," & define them as such & talk about them as such & tell other people that this is what they are to me, I mess something up in the chemistry & rhythm of our building budding relationship. I make myself act nervous around them because now every encounter must count, every word or glance exchanged must mean something dreadfully important. This disrupts the formerly effortless flow of whatever could happen next.

    This is not to say that I shouldn't flirt, or admit that I like someone (to myself, friends, even the person in question), or picture myself dating them or whatever. But I should avoid putting all my eggs in one basket. I shouldn't rely on just one person for all my romantic euphoria. It's not fair to me, because it means I have to work harder to meet the daily love-rush quota I crave, & it's not fair to them, because it puts a lot of silent pressure on them to reciprocate when they might not. So if I spread myself out, not fixating on one person but allowing multiple people to make me infinitely romantically gleeful, I can have much more fun during these periods of coasting between serious interests.

    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    miscellaneous crushsick haikus

    hurt-me-boy: heart thief,
    improv'er extraordinaire,
    catalyst of joy.

    i miss kissing like
    an old friend i never quite
    got to know fully.

    the love in my heart
    bursts, screeches, spins, flies, adores
    you, you, you, & you.

    optimistic girl
    ventures blindly into him,
    knowing it will hurt.

    i trust him not to
    hurt me anymore. i trust
    me not to hurt me.

    all the love on earth
    percolates through my body
    for you, only you.

    i dream of waking
    next to you, my favorite
    goofy grey-eyed boy.

    hungry for your eyes,
    always. look at me, cutie.
    that's all i need now.

    all the world conspires
    to bring what i want to me.
    it's coming; just trust.

    (i was inspired to
    write most of these by mr.
    tyler knott's haikus.)

    Sunday, November 1, 2009

    a flawed epiphany about unconventional beauty

    he said he wasn't
    attracted to me. it hurt, i admit.
    i did that girly cliché of staring
    in the mirror pulling at skin
    & peering at pores. there is so much
    that can be wrong with a girl, & he made
    the wrongs seem heavier, bigger.

    but truth always comes when we listen to
    our own deepest words, sentiments
    that speak quiet but persistent. & when i
    took the time to listen, i heard
    what i already knew:
    i am exquisite,
    i am enchanting,
    i am attractive,
    but only to the wise.

    & ultimately, this
    is the best kind of attractive
    to be.