Monday, August 31, 2009

Minor romantic update

This week I am going on a date. It'll be my first real one in almost two years. And she asked me, so I don't even have anything to feel insecure about. I feel blissfully calm, but at the same time, slightly panicked with nervousness. I think that's how you're supposed to feel at times like these.

When I'm romantically uninvolved, my bisexuality feels uncomfortable, like a shirt that's too tight in the midsection but too loose in the sleeves. The word "but" fills my sentences with self-justification & overexplanation: "Yeah, he's cute, but I still like girls too." "Wow, she's gorgeous... but I'm not gay!" I feel overburdened with the immense bothness of me, the vast expanses over which my sexuality can stretch. I feel like people don't believe me when I tell them who I am - & that's one of the scariest feelings I know.

When I'm dating someone, I feel so much more resolute, finally possessing the ability to say "I have a girlfriend" without exaggeratedly staring at guys, or "I have a boyfriend" without slathering myself in rainbow garb. I'm so focused on that one person that I don't feel the need to advertise my availability to the other sex (or to anyone, for that matter). I no longer have to act bisexual - I just am, but I'm so smitten that my other attractions settle onto the backburner & my crazy fears are quieted.

I'm just going on a date - not sipping sodas with a steady, not breaking out the U-Haul, not getting down on one knee - but I can already feel that romantic comfort & confidence settling into my bones. It feels good.


  1. I constantly feel smothered by other people's perceptions of my sexuality. No matter who I date, someone thinks I'm straight.

    good post sweets. ^_^

  2. Tell us how it went!
